Showing posts with label SALAD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SALAD. Show all posts

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Coconut lassie for health and beauty

A lassie is a lassie--until you add coconut and mint to it. Then, you have a coconut mint lassie. In Punjab, lassie is an all-day drink relished in tall tumblers through the day. Here is a variation for those who want to taste something different every day.

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Carrot juice for good skin

Gajar is full beta carotene, a life-enhancing substance. Regular consumption of this 
re-vitalizer will definitely improve the eyesight. The lemon adds a lot of tang, a lot of vitamin C, and a lot of taste.

Muskmelon juice for sports lovers

High water content drinks are ideal for sports lovers and those into fitness routines. The combination of fruits makes the drink mouth-watering and healthy.

Kiwis and apple magic juice for beauty

Two for the price one and double maza (fun) are popular concepts. Dual magic is an attractive two-layered drink with a little sweet and a little sour taste. Mouth-watering and irresistible is how we would describe it. Just right for a laid-back Sunday. Rest, relax and enjoy. 

Youthful drink for beauty and colour

 This youthful drink is about colour and variety and that extra zing for a fresh star. Good for all seasons, all age groups, and all professions. Don't let the title mislead you.

Tropical colada juice for beauty

No one ever gets tired of mangoes, especially Alphonso's. Mangoes are full of vitamins A and C. They are excellent for children. However, those with sugar problems should avoid this fruit and this drink. This high energy drink is for children and office-goers.

fresh pineapple salads

This is an instant energy drink loaded with vitamins C and A and many trace minerals. Excellent for those taking part in sports, exercises, or jogging as it is nutritious. The drink cools your body system.

Golden Glow Drink

1 papaya, medium
aamuchur powder
ice cubes, as required
Water, as required


1. Skin the papaya and cut it into small pieces.

2. Blend the papaya, water, aamuchur powder and crushed ice in a mixer.

Prep Time:    10 minutes            
No of Serves:  2 Members

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

watermelon radiant for health and beauty

1 watermelon, medium
3 carrots
ice cubes, as required
to taste: rock salt, pepper


1. Deseed watermelon and cut into small pieces.

2. Lightly scrape carrots and cut into small pieces.

3. Blend the pieces in a mixer. If required, strain.

4. Serve chilled with ice cubed.

Prep Time:    10 minutes            

No of Serves:  2 Members

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